America's Oldest Bell Foundry

Our goal is simple: to produce the best sounding bells with the most up to date ringing systems for our customers.

McShane Bell Foundry Company Catalog - Baltimore, MD

The origins of our historic bell-producing practices come to life in this catalog produced in 1906. Take a moment to view the details and images that served as the precursors to our modern-day ringing systems. Our time-honored techniques and craftsmanship are second to none - we look forward to working with you - contact our team today!

Forward 5-7

Church Bells 1400 - 7000 - 8-9

Rotary Yoke - 10-11

Springs - 11

Anti-Friction Journal Rollers - 12

Tolling Hammer, Warranty, Inscriptions 13

Church Bells 33 - 1300 - 14 - 15

Chapel and School Bells - 16

Fire Alarm and Tower-Clock Bells - 17 18

Court House and Tower-Clock Bells, Light House and Fog Signal Bells, Old Bells, Transportation - 19

Ship Bells - 20, 21

Peal Bells - 22 23

Chime Bells - 24 25 26

Directions for Raising, Ringing, Etc. 27 - 30

How Far Bells Can Be Heard - 30 31

Moulding Cages - 32 34

History of Bells - 66 - 76


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