Bell Carillons & Electronic Bell Chimes
Carillons typically have more than one bell for each of the smaller and mid-sized notes in order to complete fast repetitions in a tune without muffling the sound of the bell.
Designing an Electronic Bell Carillon System or a Digital Bell Chime
We can design an electronic carillon or chime system based on your unique needs. With your input, we can provide you with a system that can be operated either by a keyboard, a clavier, or with preprogrammed tunes already setup onto your controller. These chimes can range from 5 bells to 23 and the carillons can range 23 bells to more than 64 bells.
Competitive Chime & Bell Carillon System Quote
If you have been given a quote for a tower, carillon system or chimes, allow us to give you a price for comparison. If you already have a chime system or carillon bell system that needs maintenance, repair, new parts, cleaning, or to be moved, ask us for a competitive quote or read about our bell restoration and bell repair services.
A carillon is a musical instrument consisting of at least two octaves of carillon bells arranged in chromatic series and played from a keyboard permitting control of expression through variation of touch.
While there is no limit to the number of bells in a chime, they are generally understood to consist of at least eight bells. One octave gives a narrow scope of tune playing. The most practical consist of ten to thirteen and no more than twenty-three bells.
We offer three types of digital bell systems (or electronic bell systems as they are sometimes called).